I won't close my eyes, they're on to you
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Thursday, April 30, 20098:29 PM
party cancelled
sigh....dotty and char ain't coming tmr anymore): but i really am feeling better!!! wait until next time... back to the top
3:27 PM
i'm feeling HOT
omg...i can't even type now=X so ya...i'm having fever...but NOT swine flu!!! just went to see the doctor and OUCH!!! had an injection!!!DD: my temperature is...you don't want to know. he gave me all these medicine which tastes like shitDDD: i'm seriously seeing stars now o_o and btw,thanks to you all kind souls for asking me if i'm okay(:thank you!!(: and SOOOOOOOO SORRY char and dorothy): don't think can make it tmr): sorry the chances are one to one million...but there's still a chance rite? pls let me get well!!pls!! and FUCK INCLINE PULL-UP!!!!!!!!!! life isn't fair. back to the top
Wednesday, April 29, 20095:44 PM
told you so
basketbball was...humm..not as bad as i thought it shld be:P played games:D oh gosh...i think i'm having feverD: why so much hw???D:wanna kill us or what?o_o tmr got re-run for 2.4 should i go?:S dorothy and char are coming my house on friday((:at least sth to look forward to(: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!(((: ok...that's creepy:P and we watched CHICKEN RUN today;DD lols ![]() omg..i smell food!!!gosh,i'm starved=X bb(: back to the top
Tuesday, April 28, 20097:17 PM
take me away
oh god...pls kill me=X french totally sucked.got screamed at by mdm Pang cos i didn't understand a single thing...D: she's like''cheryl!!you are not even thinking!!!'' hello?i was okay?=X so i want to quit french,bad!srsly!!but my mom just can't see the light!!!D:she says its a good chance and blahblah:O but its gonna affect my GPA!!!ok..i bet my GPA's gonna drop like hell even if i quit=X..but still rite?...D: iza you so lucky lor:S JE DETESTE LE FRANCAIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i just realised that there's this new gossip girl novel"i will always love you''and its coming in november this yr!!!!!!!which its my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!(:(: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!((((((((((: k...i am obsessed, man:P lol much:D reminder to all those forgetful ppl: rmb to bring thermometer tmr!!!!(don't say i never warn you) and SOOOO SORRY nicole!!!i used up all ur tags for chi file...sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!!!!!!please forgive me can?:S sorry~~ oh no!!!!tmr got maths pop quiz!!:O:O(even tho its only 2%~~~hahas) and i'm so loaded with hw!!!:S help..pls having sore throat now..):mayb can miss sch tmr...jk jk xoxo back to the top
Monday, April 27, 20094:18 PM
strike two
today was o-k-a-y.... Y-M-C-A.....lalala Y-M-C-A.....lalala:D oops..got influenced by char..heh:D flunked LA testD: must create 5 punsD:mine's like doesn't make sense at alllll):but thanks siong yee!!!((: what does a tee like to drink? TEA!! yeah..i know...lame)): and its 20% of our overall grade!!!:O:O so we stayed back(char,dotty,zirou,jo and me)to do our IH project...but in the end we didn't do anything:P lol...and its due on monday!!!!:O:O and me,gem and chuqian all left our wallets behind..oops..:P thxxxxxx jo!!!!!!(: looovee ya!!!!(: DON'T FLUNK INCLINED PULL-UP.DON'T FLUNK INCLINED PULL-UP.DON'T FLUNK INCLINED PULL-UP.DON'T FLUNK INCLINED PULL-UP.DON'T FLUNK INCLINED PULL-UP.DON'T FLUNK INCLINED PULL-UP. ok...let me list down all the stuff so i won't forget: -bring health booklet tmr -do IH project -collect books for book drive(help!!!!) -buy siongyee present,her birthday's on monday(: i broke alr): -revise for french controle 2 -maths pop quiz on wed!!!mugmugmug... -do LA compre humms...that's all i can think of now:P argh..got french tmr): gtg...got piano)):groangroan): bye p.s. gd luck gem for ur canoeing test!!!(:jiayou!!((: and i l-o-v-e ur shoes!!!!(: back to the top
Sunday, April 26, 20098:32 PM
having her cake and losing it,too
changed skin...like it?(: la la la la la....heh(: random much?(: yippeee gem bought new shoes too!!:D must be damn nice..after so much searching(: and I AM NOT SHOPAHOLIC!!!!!!!!!:P mwahahahah.. oops...today toppled over a cup of coffee aftering reading sb's scary but touching msg:O:O my whole file and pencilcase got soaked weeeeeeeetD: clumsy me...D: and my room smells like coffee...can dun sleep tonight liao:P hwhwhwhw..tick tock tick tock.... bb back to the top
Saturday, April 25, 20094:41 PM
sneak a peek
just came back from taka and paragon....ppl packed like sardins...everywhere got discount....caught a model show.....bought quite a lot(: hehe..i know....shldn't waste money..but they just look sooo nice and irresistable....:P its not my fault~~ gotta go and do maths now..:S b p.s.anyone wanna go sg flyer?heard got promotion $10 per person on weekdays,till end of may(: back to the top
11:47 AM
get down
mugmugmugmugmugmugmugx10 fuck science.fuck math.fuck algebra. i really don't understand what in the fuckking hell they're talking about!!!!!:O:O:O sigh....): help!!!!!!!! [-3(x-c)+21]-[-6x+17(1+4c-3x)]???????????? sigh..... lost and frustrated.D: back to the top
Friday, April 24, 200910:41 PM
whatever i do,you know you'll always love me
just finished gossip girl(: the ending's so......sad and romantic(:like N went sailing around the world with captain chips,B went to yale by herself and S becoming a star and all..... wonder what's the C triplets like~~humms..(: ''Whatever i do,you know you'll always love me.'' gossip girl heh....Nites(:sweet dreams(: back to the top
7:36 PM
bring it on
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm soooooooooo happy!!!!!!:D :D :D just went to great world city and bought a new purple nike shoes!!!!!!!!:D finally:) i think i'm gonna die out of happiness!!!!xD but its still worth it!:)hehe:) i cant even remember what happened today=X oops.. oh yeah...today had thinking assignment and i totally screwed it upD: but thanks gem for ur help!!(: charlene had this bad flu at school and she kept sneezing and blowing her nose..it turned all red:( poor baby:( hope u're better now(: after school we went to 孙中山南洋晚晴园like memorial hall to visit.its basically all the history stuff~~i offically HATE those japanese ppl!!:O they're just so......inhuman and cold-bloodedD: slaughter innocent pplD: D: ok...don't talk about those depressing stuff anymore....look at the bright side:tmr's weekend!!!!!!which means can slack the whole day!!:D yepeee!!:D and holiday's coming!!!!:D gotta go watch tv(: bye(: xoxo back to the top
Wednesday, April 22, 20096:08 PM
i'm trying to prove myself
Oh.My.God. so yeah,today's the most embarrassing and tiring day ever XP we got back our science test..i got 25/30,and i'm quite happy(:,even tho its half a mark to an A*.don't be sad dotty,its only half a mark:P ok..now the big drama of the day:me and gemmi had to wear the malay kebaya for the international friendship day project(thanks to salma and daryl-.-and u owe me lunch!!)and we totally look like freaks..especially me!o.o its so damn big and we had to put safety pins to keep it from dropping and everyone going'omg!!'and we were sweating like siao:X thx to ppl that said i looked ok when i certainly did not!! so later me and gem just stood there like idiots when iza and daryl did the presenting.o.o hope we'll win!!((:go aerius!!(: after school we(me and iza's group)went to do the cheers for the seniorsXD our's goes like this: give a shout for nj!(clapx2) a cheer for nj!(clapx2) a cheer and a shout and u scream it out loud!(clapx2) we're awesome! we're hot! and we'll give it all we got!(clapx2) so...give a shout for nj!(clapx2) a cheer for nj!(clapx2) a cheer and a shout and u scream it out loud! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i got basketball(and noone else in our class's in bball,well,except daryl.but stillD: so i basically sucked at itD: but its kinda ok lah.. since bball ended early,at 4:30 i guess,me and daryl decided to help out with the open house tour..we did one tour and then i went home,which is where i am now(: MS CHAN MUST GIVE US EXTRA CIP HOURS!!!!!!!!hahas:D and today no hw and dorothy and charlene are coming my house on labour day!!!!!!!!((: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:(: ok...i am hyper now!!!!!!!!!(:(:lalala~~~~(:better go swim and lose calories!:D bb love ya(: back to the top
Tuesday, April 21, 20098:04 PM
whether you like it or not
and omg!!:O we are getting back our sci test tmr!:O and double omg!!!gemmi and me are gonna be'models'for the indonesia presentation thingy tmr!!'gasp gasp':O:O oh no!!!sry gem!!XD embarrass much...:P heh back to the top
7:06 PM
screw it
screwed up french...D: BAK izza loves you!!!:P umm...obsess much?even tho i don't see why O_o tmr got basketball...am i happy or wat? ok..i know its short but theres nothing else to talk crap about~~ cya((: back to the top
Monday, April 20, 20097:58 PM
things are just starting to get good
today was ok(: so,during lunch,charlene had a gastric and it must be really really pain,she looks so miserable :( we felt so sorry for her:( we helped her to calm down and she recovered pretty soon(: later during science while we were doing this chromatography experiment and charlene accidentally broke the glass beaker:O oops~~but luckily she didn't hurt herself(:hehe char,careful yo;) after school we(me,charlene,izza,alissa,chuqian) went to gemmi's house for the bookdrive...WOW!!!that's all i can say(:its so awesome!!-jealous-O_o hahas.. and izza saw this 'hot' guy and basically fell in love with him-.-but sorry chuqian i don't think he has curly hair>. so in the end we only collected like 7 books...but whatever~~ then i took taxi to plaza singapura by my self for my stupid piano lessonD:and got scolded by my stupid piano tea-cher again(oops)cos i never pracise:( oh no damn!!D:tmr got french petite test and i haven't do my science yet!!!shitD:and i don't understand anything they were talking about in science!!help!!:O must go study now!!!!more tmrXD(if i ever had time) gd luck to me((: back to the top
Saturday, April 18, 20095:40 PM
um...how do you say ew?
nothing happened today,well,at least not to me i basically stoned the whole day cos cant go cats musical:( went to see the dentist and fastened my braces(ouch!) then went to taka and repaired my specs and bought some pens(: hightlight of the day:when i came out of kinokuniya i saw a couple(a fifty-plus man and a twenty-something girl),standing in the middle of the place,beside the escalator,looking dreamily into each other's eyes and started kissing passionately in front of everyone..0_O um.hello?ewwnessD:i totally freaked out and had to cover my eyes to prevent from pukingO and omg!my friend just reminded me that today's my ex-form teacher's birthday and i totally forgot!!!so..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS GOH!!!(:(: shit haven't do any hw yet and so many tests are coming!!! so,thats all for today and gotta go swimming now(: bye back to the top
Friday, April 17, 200910:04 PM
like most juicy stories,it started at a party HEYYOS!! kk....so i finally posted...blehbleh....on my new blog today sucked.well,kinda.i totally screwed up my thinking quiz-.-i can't believe i'm sosososososososososososo dumb(not that i didn't know that alr:O) and during lunch we were playing captain's ball and vincent throw the ball straight at me!!!!!BANG!....and my specs broke,not to mention that my nose hurts like hell too(i'm gonna get a new specs tmr) so,see?it's alr bad enough but it got worse when we came to MRP for our IH project or watever. i look like a freak wearing class-t and long pants and cap and blahblah...i'll be a perfect tour guide if i had a flag and a whistleXD thx a lot CQ and alissa for helping me carry my giantic bag!!!!i owe u!!!(: so there're lots and lots of mosquitoes and thank god i'm clever enough to wear long pantsXD so we grunted and ew-ed through the whole trip~~~ in the end we saw monkeys and it grabbed a lady's food and she completely freaked out..not that i didn't.... ok..at least look at the bright side:we finally took a class photo!!!!(:(:(see above) more bad news:i cant go for tmr's cats musical!!!:(sob..sob:( and i got dentist appointment tmr:( and yeah..i got heavier~~~~D: so life totally sucked(well,most of the time)but i mean, why not enjoy it?XD |